Heatmap Troubleshooting

Following is the list of the most commonly occurring Heatmap problems along with their causes:

  1. Heatmap is unable to track any of my visitors.
  2. Heatmap is only tracking a particular set of visitors but not all of them.
  3. The generated Heatmap report seems strange or has missing features in it.
  4. Page screenshot failing.
  5. The Heatmap report of my desktop shows mobile elements in it.
  6. The Heatmap report only consists of the top section of my site.
  1. Heatmap is unable to track any of my visitors.

    If the Heatmap report you generated is not able to track any visitors like it is supposed to, then this might be due to the following reasons:

    • The TruConversion tracking code is failing to load on the page/pages. This might be because the tracking code has been mistakenly removed or an error is not letting the code to install across all pages of your site. To avoid this issue to need to make sure that the tracking is loading on the page.
    • Multiple Heatmaps are targeting the same page. If you have multiple concurrent Heatmaps on the same page, TruConversion won’t be able to report a pageview on all of them.
    • Issue with trailing “/” in the page URL. While using “simple match” or “exact match” it is necessary to enter the same URL your visitors are using to access your site.
  2. Heatmap is only tracking a particular set of visitors but not all of them.

  3. You might be facing this issue because of any of the following reasons:

    • Visitors not included in the sample by TruConversion.
    • Visitors who are not using one of the supported browsers.
    • Visitors with disabled Javascripts.
    • Visitors who have enabled “Donot Track” header in their browser.
    • Visitors who have disabled cookies.
    • Visitors using Private mode in Safari (localeStorage and sessionStorage not available).
    • Visitors who run browser plugins such as Ghostery, uBlock or Adblock which explicitly excludes them from loading tracking scripts such as ours.
    • If visitors do not perform any activity on the site and leave the site immediately after landing on it.
  4. The generated Heatmap report seems strange or has missing features in it

  5. This might be happening because of the following two reasons:

    • Your page might include a few elements being set using Javascript that consume 100 % of the browser height. Since TruConversion takes screenshots in the form of a single large window, such elements can be rendered incorrectly because they can enlarge as much as they can. This issue can be easily dealt with by setting a maximum # of 1200px on your height calculation (1200 can be a number you choose, as long as there is a limit it will fix the problem).
    • A page with Parallax Scrolling cause viewpoint problems since it depends on the visitor’s position from top to display/move content around on the page. Such types of pages are not supported by our Heatmaps.
  6. Page screenshot failing

  7. The reason why a screenshot fails to be captured varies from site to site. If you face this problem, contact us directly so that our team can look into the issue and try to resolve it.

  8. The Heatmap report of my desktop shows mobile elements in it.

  9. There might be chances that you can face an issue where the Heatmap screenshots of your desktop include elements from the mobile site. The reason why the screenshot taken is incorrect is because in your CSS, certain elements are probably hidden/shown using @media queries such as min-device-width and max-device-width. Such queries are not recognized by the browsers we support for taking the screenshots. In order to fix the problem you need to replace them with min-width and max-width.

  10. The Heatmap report only consists of the top section of my site

  11. You might be facing this issue for two reasons:

    • Instead of using the < body > tag to scroll the document your page might be using custom < div >.
    • Your page uses a ‘scroll-lock’ to scroll the page.
    • These types of pages are not supported and listed on our Heatmap Restrictions.
