
The Salesforce integration helps you add email addresses received through TruConversion tools into Salesforce email lists.
To integrate with Salesforce:

    1. Log in to your Salesforce account and find the Salesforce ID

    1. Log in to TruConversion and click on the Settings icon

    1. Click on Integrations in the drop down menu

    1. Click on Add Integration

    1. Choose your integration to add in from dropdown

    1. Enter Salesforce details along with CRM name and choose Accounts to add integrations. This CRM name will only visible in TruConversion because to distinguish multiple accounts of same CRM.

    1. After completing the fields click on Add Integrations

Thats it.

Remember: TruConversion only sends Microsruvey optin form data into integrations. See this article how to create Microsruvey opt-in Form
