Page Goal in Smart Funnel
By clicking on any step, a configuration screen will appear where user can choose page type, can add step name, and enter page url. There is most important option for a step is to add Page Goal.
What are Page Goals?
Goals are defined as actions that visitors may perform on the website, such as clicking a link, element, submitting a form, visiting a specific page, and so on. These visitor actions generate value for the website owner in terms of revenue, user signups, lead generations, and so on. You can measure the health of the website by measuring the health of your goals. Adding a total value to each funnel so you can get an accurate revenue view at a glance.
Each visitor on your website has some specific purpose, gathering information, checking out pricing, subscribing to a newsletter, purchasing, submitting their contact details to get further information, or something similar. Each action a visitor performs on the website constitutes a goal that you can track and identify ways to improve your conversions.
Following are the goals a user can choose for the step:
Track Page Visits
Records a goal conversion when a visitor lands on the specified page URL. For example, if your goal is to check how many visitors land on the Products page of your website, you can select this goal type and enter the URL of the product page like TruConversion will tracks all visits to the page.
Enter goal name with goal value. Adding a total value to each step goal so you can get an accurate revenue view at a glance.
Track Form Submits
Tracks how many visitors successfully submit a form on your website such as Contact information, Inquiry, lead generation, event registration, and so on. Track Form Submits option requires you to add URLs of the page where the form is available and choose the form.
Enter goal name with goal value. Adding a total value to each step goal so you can get an accurate revenue view at a glance.
- Track Form Submits goal is only available with simple and exact match page url. Use javascript trigger for other URL pattern.
- The forms which are sending data to same point are only visible once from single page URL.
- A user can select multiple forms for tracking from drop-down on single page URL.
Track Click on Link
Tracks how many visitors click on a hyperlink inside a webpage. To ensure that all hyperlinks pointing to the same URL are tracked together, specify the target page of the tracked links.
Enter goal name with goal value. Adding a total value to each funnel so you can get an accurate revenue view at a glance.
Enter goal name with goal value. Adding a total value to each step goal so you can get an accurate revenue view at a glance.
Track Click on Elements(s)
Tracks how many visitors clicked on an HTML element on a webpage. You can track clicks on menus, navigation bars, videos, images, and other elements using this goal type. To track an element, you will need to specify the exact CSS selector path for the element in the webpage DOM.
Enter goal name with goal value. Adding a total value to each step goal so you can get an accurate revenue view at a glance.