About Different CRM Keys

Different CRM provide different credentials to the user for adding their application. Some use API KEY, APP ID, Account ID or Tokens. What are these and where to get these. In following article what are these and how to use them.

What Is an API?

API stands for application programming interface. It can be helpful to think of the API as a way for different apps to talk to one another. For many users, the main interaction with the API will be through API keys, which allow other apps to access your account without you giving out your password.

How to find keys in Different CRM

MailChimp:This article will help you to find MailChimp API Keys
About API Keys

Campaign Monitor: This article will help you to find Campaign Monitor API Keys
Your API Key

HubSpot: This article will help you to find Campaign Monitor API Keys
Request your AccountId and ClientFolderId – iContact API

InfusionSoft: This article will help you to find InfusionSoft APP Key
Api Key

OntraPort: This article will help you to find Ontraport API ID
Obtain an API Key

Salesforce: This article will help you to find Salesforce token
What is Salesforce Security Token and How Do I Find It?

ActiveCampaign: This article will help you to find ActiveCampaign API Key
Getting started with the API